Hat fur and Parka

Cosa c’è di meglio che passare un pomeriggio in Centro da Busters Coffe con cappuccino , ciambella glassata al cioccolato, il proprio ragazzo???!
Dopo questa ‘merenda’ ci siamo diretti a Palazzo Madama in piazza Castello a visitare la mostra allestita all’ interno del monumentale palazzo, dedicata a Michelangelo e al suo ‘schizzo’ del dipinto ‘La Madonna con il Bambino’. 

What’s better than spending an afternoon at the Centre from Busters Coffee cappuccino, chocolate glazed donut, her boyfriend and a new pair of sunglasses occhilai??! ; D
As soon as I saw them I immediately fell in love!.
After this snack we headed to the Senate in Castle Square to visit the exhibition at internal devoted to Michelangelo and his sketch of the painting The Madonna and Child .


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