Rouches, rouches ovunque, su abiti, camicie e top; come onde che si increspano sulla riva di un vestito, leggiadre, armoniosamente cadono un po’ di qui ed un po’ di la.
E poi c’è il bosco, le piante le luci che rendono ogni soggetto completamente diverso ai nostri occhi, come un’istantanea perfetta così com’è al primo colpo.
Un outfit un po’ parisienne indossando i nuovi stivaletti traforati neri firmati Sandro Paris in perfetto mood Coachell ( che per chi non lo sapesse è uno tra i più grandi festival di musica rock/pop americano), un po’ boho chic & glamourous allo stesso tempo.
English version
Ruffles, ruffles, everywhere on dresses, shirts, blouses. Like waves that crack on the shore of a gown in a graceful way and harmoniously fall a little here and there. And then there’s the flora, the wood, the plants and the lights wich make every single thing completely different to out eyes… as an idea is a perfect burrow at the first sight.
A dress with an allure a bit parisienne wearing the new suede ankle boots proposed by Sandro Paris covered with holes in a perfect Coachella style ( for who doesnt’s know what it is it’s an American festival of rock/pop music, an hangout for young people become a place of fashion and trend) they’re comfortable and glamour glamour at the same time. Today I’m gonna introduce them to you in this way!
english translation: Laura Clarissa Marcora
Francesco Scognamiglio dies from Front Row Tribe
Alberto Guardiani bag