Un trench con maniche di pelle & una mini tuta nera

TheBlueLightEyes.com Blog

                                                         Urban chic-Un trench con maniche di pelle & una mini tuta nera

Oggi su TheBueLightEyes vi propongo un outfit  urban chic scattato in uno dei più bei luoghi di Torino e d’intorni. La Palazzina di caccia a Stupinigi, alle ultime luci del sole. Protagonista dell’outfit? Il mio nuovo trench.

Cosa ne pensate? Fatemi sapere se vi piace questo outfit!


Urban chic- A trench coat with leather sleeves and a mini black suit

Today on TheBueLightEyes I propose an urban chic outfit taken in one of the most beautiful places in Turin and surroundings. The Hunting Palace in Stupinigi, the last light of the sun, which I love. The star of the outfit? My new trench.

What do you think? Let me know if you like this outfit!

TheBlueLightEyes.com Blog

TheBlueLightEyes.com Blog

TheBlueLightEyes.com Blog

TheBlueLightEyes.com Blog

TheBlueLightEyes.com Blog


TheBlueLightEyes.com Blog

I was wearing:

Cache Cache trench coat

Bershka  micro jumpsuit

Zara polka dots sunglasses

Essie  ”Haute as Hello” nail polish

Prima Donna heels

*Seguimi su Instagram @silviathebluelighteyes e Twitter @silviaschirinzi 

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