Living the autumn

Buongiorno carissimi followers!  TheBlueLightEyes è tutto nuovo 🙂 !! Vi devo apportare ancora molte modifiche e perfezionare il design,  ma come potrete notare, il ”logo” è rimasto lo stesso.

Inauguro il tutto con questo post- outfit scattato qualche settimana fa insieme alla mia nuova it-bag, modello ”phantom”, by Massimiliano Incas ed il rosso, colore che particolarmente mi attrae nell’ultimo periodo, che si rende padrone dell’outfit.

Spero vi piaccia l’outfit e naturalmente attendo di sapere cosa ne pensate, ma sopratutto fatemi avere i vostri riscontri nei riguardi del nuovo TheBlueLightEyes!

Buona Domenica, Silvia

Hello dear followers! TheBlueLightEyes is all new 🙂 ! We still have to make many changes and perfect the design, but as you can see, the logo has remained the same.
Inaugurate everything with this post, outfits took a few weeks ago with my new it-bag,” phantommodel, by Massimiliano Incas and red, the color that particularly appeals to me in the last period, which makes the master of the outfit.
Hope you like the outfit and of course I look forward to know what you think, but most of all let me know what you think of the new TheBlueLightEyes!

Good Sunday, Silvia

         I was wearingMassimiliano Incas bag– Jennifer red pants- ”The Kiss” fan t-shirt- Mauro Leone boots-Mango blazer-h&m sunglasses

Pictures by Alessandro Guzzardi

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