Ginger girl

Eccomi qui, in una delle giornate più fredde di questo inverno su Torino, in ‘ever green’ & black, con giacchetto animalier della Please  e borchie per dare un pò di touch rock a questo outfit;
Il tutto insieme al mio nuovo hair-look.
In questi giorni a Milano stanno sfilando le più grandi case di Moda maschile da Burberry a Zegna; Voi le state seguendo?
Presto sul blog, le immagini delle collezioni più belle di questa MFW-Men A/W 2013/2014.
Enjoy the look, by the Ginger girl! : D

Here I am, in one of the coldest days this winter of Turin, ever green’ & black with animal print jacket of Please and studs to give a little touch of rock in this outfit;
All this together with my new hair-look.
In these days in Milan are pulling larger homes of men’s fashion from Burberry to Zegna, you are following the day to day?
Soon on this blog, the pictures of the most beautiful collections of this MFW-Men A / W 2013/2014.
Enjoy the look, by the Ginger girl! : D

I was wearing:
pull Zara
jacket Please
necklace H&M-bracelet ‘I’m Fashion Blogger’ gift by my lovely friend,Silvia-other bracelets by Accessorize
skirt by Stradivarius
clutch Zara
booots H&M

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