Towards the Autumn


Eccoci qua, anche l’ autunno รจ arrivato, le strade cominciano a ricoprirsi di foglie dai mille colori..
difatti proprio da esso ho preso ispirazione per questo outfit, indossando stivaletti bassi scamosciati ( simili all collezione Isabel Marant, avrete capito che la adoro ๐Ÿ˜€ ),  vestitino con fantasie geometriche, il mio fidato chiodo di pellee  la mia YSL!
Spero vi piaccia!
A presto, Silvia

Here we are, even the Autumn has arrived, the roads begin to become covered with colorful leaves .., in fact, own it I took inspiration for this outfit, wearing suede short boots (similar to collection  Isabel  Marant , you’ll see that I love : D), dress with geometric patterns with my trusty leather jacket and my YSL bag!
I hope you like it!
See you soon, Silvia



I was wearing:
dress by H&M
collar H&M
jacket by Imperial
boots by Alesya
bag by Yves Saint Laurent

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