Far from the City


Ebbene si, il caldo non ha certo lasciato Torino, quindi qualche giorno fa ne ho approfittato per andare a rinfrescarmi un pò , di preciso a Pragelato, località turistica in montagna a 1500 m di altitudine, vicino Sestriere, dove spesso sono già stata fin da quando ero piccola!
Qui, dal 2006 , hanno lasciato tutte le impalcature dei giochi Olimpici come ricordo, e rivederle riporta alla mente tanti bei ricordi di quei giorni pieni di entusiasmo!!
Buona giornata, a presto con nuovi scatti di un set ralizzato insieme a KristinaGi Photography!

Yes, the heat has certainly left Turin, then a few days ago I took the opportunity to go to freshen up a bit, exactly in Pragelato, a tourist resort in the mountains at 1500 meters above sea level, near Sestriere, where often been ever since I was little!
Here, since 2006, have left all the scaffolding of the Olympics as a souvenir, and review brings to mind many fond memories of those days full of excitement!
Have a nice day, see you soon with a new set of shots ralizzato with KristinaGi Photography !



                                                                    I was wearing:
                                                                   sweater by H&M
                                                                   scarf: H&M (old)
                                                                   short: Zara
                                                                   sneakers: Vans
                                                                   bag: Pinko

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