On the Road

Goodmorning girls! come state? spero abbiate passato un buon week-end!
Da sempre io adoro i Papaveri perchè con la loro semplicità riescono a colorare anche un enorme distesa di prati verdi..con il loro rosso brillante.. sono davvero fiori speciali, e non ha caso il mio profumo preferito è Kenzo by Flower! 😀

Goodmorning girls! how are you? I hope you all had a good weekend!
I always love it because the Poppies with their simplicity can also paint a huge expanse of green meadows with their bright red .. .. flowers are really special, if not my favorite perfume Flower by Kenzo is! : D

Iwas wearing
Jacket by Zara
Shirt by Silvian Each
Sunglasses by H&M (old)
Slippers by Zara
Clutch by PZ

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