Long Cream Sweater

Buongiorno dolcezze! Spero abbiate passato una serena Pasquetta…
Io sono stata in montagna e ho scattato qualche foto con questo caldissimo e maxi maglione che devo dire ha avuto la sua grand eutilità per le temperature un pò rigide di ieri!!
Un abbraccio, Silvia.

Good morning sweet! I hope you all had a happy Easter
I have been in the mountains and I took some photos with this hot and big sweater that I have to say has had its great utility for the temperatures a bit stiff from yesterday!
Hugs, Silvia.

I was wearing:
Sweater by Cache Cache
Leggins by H&M
Biker boots by:OVS
Bracelets by : Cruciani+ my mom creations

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