Let’s snow!

 Buongiorno a voi!!!, un buon risveglio con la neve? πŸ™‚
Qui si, per la terza mattina consecutiva :).
Oggi ho deciso di mettere come prima foto di questo nuovo post, un immagine di un campo,scattato dalla mia macchina , che ho trovato semplicemente stupenda, un paesaggio completamente ricoperto dalla neve ed un tramonto fiabesco :).
( Sono una romanticona!!)
Comunque adoro scattare e rimanere a gurdare paesaggi come questi, li definisco paesaggi infiniti…:)
 Buona giornata ragazze , magari sulla neve, a tutti voi, al prossimo post!!

Good morning to you!, A good wake up with snow? πŸ™‚
Here is, for the third consecutive morningπŸ™‚.
Today I decided to put as the first picture of this new post, an image of a field, taken from my car, I found just superb, landscape completely covered by snow and a magical sunsetπŸ™‚.
(I am a sentimentalist!)
Anyway I love shooting landscapes and stay watchman like these, call them infinite landscapes …:)

 Good day girls, maybe in the snow, all of you to the next post!


       I was wearing:
       Parka: by Tally Weijl
       Dress: by H&M
       Leggins: by Berska
       Wedges: by H&M
       Gloves: by H&M
        Bag:  by Vintage

                                                                                                                              By Silvia πŸ™‚
                                                                       Photos by me and Gabriele Di Noia( my boyfriend!)

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