Gold details

Buongiorno carissime!
Qui a Torino è tutto bianco!
Finalmente la neve è arrivata che bella!, adoro la neve… e silenziosa e cade dolcemente su tutto..quello che incontra :).
Comunque passiamo a noi :), questo outfit non si addice proprio a questo ‘nuovo’ clima, però ho deciso di postarlo lo stesso 🙂
Adoro l’ oro, più dell’ argento, e trovo che siano colori che stanno bene anche di giorno e non solo la sera 😉
e a voi? piace più l’ argento o l’ oro?
Buona domenica!!!

Hello dear!
Here in Turin is all white!
Finally the snow came that beautiful !, I love the snow and silent and falls gently on that meets all ..🙂.
Anyway let’s us), this outfit does not fit precisely this ‘new’ climate, but I decided to put the same:)
I love the gold , most of silver , and I find that colors that are good on the day and not only in the evening;)
and you? more like the silver‘ s gold?
Happy Sunday!


                      I was wearing:
                     Pullover: by Stradivarius
                     Belt: by Hermès
                    Jeans: by Tally Weijll
                    Boots: by Camomilla Italia
                    Bag: by vintage Yves Saint Laurent
                    Sunglasses: by Zara

                                                                                                                             By Silvia
                                                                                         Photos by Gabriele( my boyfriend <3!)

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