Red leaves


Buon pomeriggio!
Qui a Torino fa davvero molto freddo e scattare nuovi look è sempre un pò difficile! 🙂
Queste  foto sono  state scattate qualche settimana fa nei pressi del centro storico di Moncalieri
spero vi piacciano!

A presto buona  serata : )

Good afternoon!
Here in Turin is very cold and posting new look is always a bit difficult! 🙂
These are photos taken of my outfit a few weeks ago, I hope you like them!.
I find that the colors of autumn and winter are really fabulous! 🙂
A good afternoon  <3



                  Coat: by NunaLie- Bag: by H&M- Jeans: by Met- sunglasses: by H&M

                                                        Photos by: Gabriele  ( my lovely boyfriend)

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